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Is There Room for Jesus?

Luke 2:7 says, “There was no room for them (Joseph, Mary, and their newborn baby, Jesus) in the inn.” Therefore, Jesus was laid in a manger. What a foreshadowing this was of Jesus’ life. Jesus faced rejection after rejection, closed door after closed door. There was little room for Jesus. The question for us is, “Is there room for Jesus in your life?” Each of us is like an innkeeper. We decide if there is room for Jesus.

To make room for Jesus, I must get rid of my pride (Rev. 3:17; Rom. 12:3; I Pet. 5:6). A healthy dose of humility is what we need. Otherwise, Jesus will simply stand at the door and knock. Without Jesus, we are “wretched, poor, blind, and naked.”

To make room for Jesus, I must be honest with myself and honest with God. Is there a difference between who you think you are and who you really are? Take an inventory. Honesty is at the heart of confession (I John 1:8-10). God already knows our sins. We need to be honest to say the same things He does about our sins.

To make room for Jesus, I must spend time with Him. We must have a constant connection with Him. Bible study (Eph. 6:11-13). Prayer (I Thess. 5:16-18). Spend time with God’s family (Acts 2:46-47). We must understand these are not checklist items. Let’s not ask the question: “How much studying, praying, and time with the saints must I have to go to heaven?” Walk your faith out (Ezra 7:10).

To make room for Jesus, I must listen to what He says. By that, I mean we make room for Jesus to be in charge of us. We don’t want Him just sitting in the car. We need Him in the driver’s seat. It is not enough to call Jesus, Lord (Matt. 7:21-23; Luke 6:46). We must do what He says.

When Jesus was born, there was no place for Him in the inn. As He ministered, there was no place to lay His head. When Jesus offered salvation, He was killed. So, the question is asked again: “Is there room for Jesus in your life?”

Steven Matthews


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