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Ever since the congregation was established about 30 years ago, the members have endeavored to provide only Bible-centered teaching for all ages. From our toddler class to the adult class, the emphasis is on the Bible. In our worship services, we practice what the Bible reveals that Christians practiced in the 1st century.
Todler Classroom Seats
Bible Classes


Each Sunday morning (10 AM) and on Wednesday night (7 PM) we have Bible classes for all ages.

There is even a classroom for the toddlers with special seats made just for them!


The children's classes are divided by age and by the school grade. The adult classes are held in the main auditorium.


Worship Services


​After Bible classes, everybody assembles in the main auditorium. Our Sunday morning worship services start at 11 AM. Evening worship starts at 5 PM. There are no classes Sunday night.


Services start with a scripture reading usually related to the preacher's lesson. Then we sing, pray, participate in the Lord's Supper, take up a collection (Visitors are under no obligation or expected to give), sing some more, and hear some preaching from the word of God​. 


A invitation will be extended for anyone to obey the gospel. An invitation song and a closing prayer will conclude the worship service.


Announcements are made after the closing prayer.


The Bible is Our Study Guide
Wednesday Bible Study


Every Wednesday at 7 PM we meet to study the Bible. Classes are provided for all ages. Our Bible studies are intended to provide a solid understanding of the word God.


In our classes questions and discussion are encouraged. 2nd Timothy 3:15 tells us: And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. To make the scriptures known is our purpose.

I​f you have a desire to know the Bible come to our Wednesday night classes. We look forward to seeing you.


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