Why Partake of the Lord's Supper
“And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, ‘Take, eat; this is My body.’ Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, ‘Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.’” —Matthew 26:26-28
Before Jesus died, He established a memorial so we would remember Him every first day of the week. The Lord’s Supper is special every week. It was special last week, it’s special this week, and Lord willing, it will be special on the first day of the coming weeks. But we’re human. And that means we’re prone to forget, especially if we do something on a regular basis. It’s possible it can become a ritual to us, rather than a reflection. That’s why Christ said what He said in I Cor. 11:23-26. The frequency of when we take the Lord’s Supper isn’t the issue. We’re going to continue to partake of the Lord’s Supper here at Tidewater each and every week. Whether it’s meaningful to you, that’s up to you.
Recognize the importance: The Lord’s Supper to the Christian is significant because it represents the most important event in human history. It was commanded by Jesus Himself to take of this meal, until He comes again. That’s why we need to be committed to be here on the first day of every week because the Lord’s Supper is “for you” (I Cor. 11:24). Undeserving of death, “yet without sin” (Heb. 4:15), Jesus’ death touches the lives of everyone.
Center your mind on Jesus: How often do we allow our minds to drift to things other than Christ while partaking of the Lord’s Supper? Despite all the problems the church in Corinth was having, Paul told them to focus on Jesus. Focus on the love of God and the fact that He loved you first (I John 4:9-10). Close your eyes and take your mind back to the cross. Pray. Read a song in the songbook. Read a text in scripture. Eliminate distractions.
Examine yourself: Perhaps you’ve heard the idea that if you’ve sinned during the week, then you can’t take the Lord’s Supper. If that were the case, we’d never take it again. The Lord’s Supper is for sinners. We, as Christians, don’t come to the table because we’re perfect. But I Cor. 11:28-29 speaks to the manner in which we take it. It’s a time to honor Him, to show reverence, to humble ourselves. We’re also communing with Christ and communing with one another, as Christians. When I commune with you—my brothers and sisters in Christ—I share something in common with you that I don’t share with everyone in the world. That Lord willing, we’ll be in heaven together for eternity.
—By Steven Matthews