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Blest Be the Tie

As we say “See you later” to those who have recently moved away from this area after working with us here at Tidewater, it reminds me of the song, “Blest Be The Tie.” Let us examine each of the four verses from that song.

Verse 1: What is fellowship (I John 1:1-7)? The term is usually used improperly to speak of social gatherings or fellowship halls. But fellowship is pictured as a partnership — working together as believers. Fellowship is our common bond and union in Christ. Fellowship is not that your name is in the church directory. Fellowship is not that you come to worship services every week. Fellowship is having our lives joined together in Christ. When we say fellowship, what we mean is we are connected by something powerful. This isn’t tied to a geographical region. It’s a tie between us that is stronger than time and distance. It is our shared relationship with Jesus Christ.

Verse 2: A powerful fellowship tool that God’s people enjoy is prayer (Phil. 4:6-7). First-century disciples lived on prayer. Prayer was what was used to get through temptations, overcome trials, get through the day, to look for the coming blessings of God. It was a natural part of their daily lives. We are a family — a family praying for its family. When Christians are together (Bible study, in homes, out to eat), they pray.

Verse 3 (Gal. 6:2; Rom. 12:15; I Cor. 12:26): Real Christian fellowship is a highly emotional connection. If it’s not at all emotional for you, you haven’t been doing it right. Check your spiritual pulse. Life has real issues in it: sickness; death; financial woes; peaks and valleys. Christians need Christians. We need each other. Life is really hard. Pick each other up.

Verse 4: No matter how long you live in the same geographical area or attend the same congregation, one of us will die first. But it doesn’t change our relationship or change the fact we share a relationship with Jesus. It doesn’t change where we’re going. It’s not “good-bye”; it’s “see you later.” Even in death, we are still connected (I Thess. 4:16-18). Death is not the end. Fellowship continues. We will be together one day. When we’re apart physically, we yearn for a reunion. It only intensifies when we talk and think about it from a spiritual perspective. If I don’t see you again on this side of eternity, I’ll see you again in heaven.

Steven Matthews


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