To 'Be Faithful'
“Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life” — Revelation 2:10
What exactly does “be faithful” mean? The Greek word for “faithful” is pistos — a person who shows themselves faithful in the transaction of business or execution of commands; can be relied on. When I think of that definition, I immediately think of God. Every day, God is good and faithful to us. Every day, we have God’s unfailing love. He can be trusted.
So, how can I be faithful and remain faithful to God? It must be of genuine concern. It’s a question those contemplating obedience ask, and even after obedience, the question is still asked. We recognize that the decision to become a Christian is the single most important decision a person can make. But obeying the gospel is only the beginning of a lifelong commitment to God; a launching pad, not a landing pad. When we put God first in our lives, every aspect of our lives will fit in with the goal of obtaining a crown of life when this life is over.
Here are five questions to consider:
What is the most important thing in your life? If you say God, that’s the right answer. But do your actions confirm what you say? Do the two match (Matt. 7:20)?
What do you think about? What occupies your mind most (Col. 3:2)? When activities and obligations are not pressing in your life, where do your thoughts gravitate to easily? Spiritual things, or do you have to force yourself to think about God’s Word?
What gives when you face conflicting priorities? Conflicts are going to happen. What makes the cut when there’s a conflict in scheduling? Life is a series of decisions and trade-offs. We want to believe we can do it all, but we can’t. We make time for things that are really important to us (Eph. 5:15-16).
Where would others say your priorities lie? We don’t live life in a vacuum or in a bubble. We all have a circle of influence (Matt. 5:13-16). Other people give us real insight as to where our priorities lie.
Is there something in your life that keeps you from following Jesus completely? Don’t walk away sorrowful like the rich young ruler did (Matt. 19:22). Heaven will be worth any sacrifice we make along the way, I guarantee it.