Serve One Another
Love and service are tied together very closely (Gal. 5:13-15). A failure to serve is a failure to demonstrate love. Our great heroes of faith that we read about throughout the Old and New Testaments were great servants. They put the needs of others ahead of themselves. For example, Abraham, Joshua, Caleb, Job, Isaiah, Mary, Peter, John the Baptist, Paul, and of course, the greatest Servant of all, Jesus Christ.
If Jesus were here physically to speak to us, do you know what He’d say? He would say the title that you should really go after is not the title of CEO, president, vice president, manager, etc. The greatest title we can ever hold is servant. Are we the servants we think we are?
Servants see a need and meet the need: Are you the kind of person who walks into the room, sees a need and you meet that need? Or do you look for someone else to do it? Servants don’t opt out. They say, “I will be the hands and feet of Jesus.” Because serving is sacrifice (Phil. 2:3-8). Jesus saw our need and knew there was nothing we could do to save ourselves. But He not only saw the need, He met the need. Servants move into action. God has chosen you to be His hands and feet. God is counting on you.
Servants take the focus off self: Servants act with humility. Humility is not acting like a doormat, but it’s taking another person and putting them in a place of honor. Humility oozes in the idea of who you are and whose you are. I’m a sinner in desperate need of a Savior, but I’ve been forgiven. And we’re children of God. We’re special. We’re royalty. We’re a holy nation. Then we need to live up to it!
Servants unite, not divide: We are one in the body of Christ (Eph. 4:4, 11-16). If we all seek to be selfless servants, unity will be the natural result of like-minded brothers and sisters in Christ. We will be a true family. Unity should characterize all servants. True servants are simply focused on serving. Servants seek the betterment of others, not the glory of self.
Are you a servant? Everybody does acts of service from time to time, especially when they’re asked. But are you someone who has no regrets about what you are doing for the kingdom of God? We’re all going to die at some point (Heb. 9:27). What’s the one thing we all want to hear come judgment day? “Well done, good and faithful servant.”